For a good while I have been deeply appreciative of Daniel B. Clendenin, long-time associate with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and founder of
The Journey with Jesus: Notes to Myself, especially his weekly essay on the
Biblical lectionary. As to why I had not noticed it before, I don't know, but yesterday I discovered
One Million Blogs for Peace: To End the Iraq War. Inasmuch as I have been been opposed to the Iraq War months preceeding Bush's invasion on March 19, 2003 and watched in horror at our nation's celebration of "Shock and Awe" and have strongly opposed the war ever since, I wish to identify myself with those opposing the war in
One Million Blogs for Peace. I have therefore signed online the blog's pledge:
I believe in the immediate withdrawal of all foreign combat troops from the nation of Iraq. I believe in using my blog, in whole or in part, as a tool
toward this end.To understand why I and other hundreds of thousands--millions of people worldwide--are convinced that we should remove our troops from Iraq now, visit the following sites:
For a rehearsal of the disasterous program of Bush, Chaney, Rumsfeld ("We know where the WMD are"), Rice, Wolfowitz, and other neo-cons have instigated, see the
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