Morning of the 21st. Nearly constant rain. The lake’s rivers, especially the Yellow, are swollen, the brown mud out beyond the cove thick as molasses, driftwood gathering in the cove. Yesterday, however, full of light, and last night’s Vespers (Holden Evening Prayer) especially beautiful with Jewish melodies and “You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace, and the mountains and the hills will break forth before you. There’ll be shouts of joy and all the trees of the field will clap their hand . . . while you go out with joy.” The young people are a joy to watch, and Carly's singing Luke’s entrance into the Song of Mary especially beautiful.
Charles Klopfenstein’s talk to the confirmation class about B'nai Israel's Shabbat was interesting and well done with good questions from Joe’s son Corey. And what a delight to see one of our elder Jewish brothers listed in the parish directory with his Lutheran wife. A taste of paradise. I’m in rather continued amazement as Pastor Katie’s graceful leadership. Interestingly, I was asked to be part of the Mutual Ministry Committee.
On Tuesday June and I watched Avatar in 3D. I think C. S. Lewis and Tolkien would have enjoyed the film, not only for its technological bravado, but for its mythic truthings, saturated throughout.
Things now stand quite undecided about going to Port au Prince. It’s a matter of Debbie Berquiest at VOH getting enough fuel to make trips to the airport. AA tells me that flights may resume on the 25th so there’s a chance that Luckey and I, bringing money and clothes for the children, may do down to see Marie. Everything is His hands.
After Eucharist on Sunday, Pastor anointed Michael with oils and prayer, and Myrna spoke boldly to him; I don’t know Michael's last name, but have promised to remember him daily in the intercessions.
Morning and Evening Prayers with June—so special. More rain. And tonight the real possibility of all the children in Marie's orphanage being from en masse to the States for adoption.
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