Lots of the cove water is frozen. The mallards are having a hard time of it. The lake so low that some of the hill ridges at the mouth are poking themselves through, looking like a brown longish log caught in the ice.
Took a long, strong walk with Joe, Jeff, and Dick this morning; on the way, got to chat with Rolf.
Went to Covington for some cracked cord for the mourning doves who find it necessary to eat off the hardpack ground.

When June and I returned from shopping in Covington, we found neighbor David down by the dock burning logs and brush. When he yelled up that he'd like for me to come down and share a beer, I told him to "Hang on!" Then I got the first cold bottle of Dunkelweizen out of the fridge, pour a bit into a glass and sipped. Shockingly good! Once down at the dock with a glass for sharing, David had his taste, pronounced it "as good any beer as I've ever had" (which is a good bit; no, a lot!), and together we enjoyed the first bottle. Even Mitzy enjoyed a sip. The Dunkel bears a warm brown-ale-like color with a creamy head, no dregs, no off-taste. Absolutely right! Am so damn proud of myself that I could drink and pee hour after hour. But not this afternoon. At 4 UK plays UGA at home in Lexington, a TV thriller. Then a beer, maybe.
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